Highster Mobile FAQs

  • Will anything be shipped to me?

    You will receive your purchase via instant download to the email address you enter during checkout. Nothing will be shipped to you unless you specifically request a physical copy of the program.

  • Do you have Customer Support?

    We value your business and offer the highest level of customer care possible to all of our customers.

    When you purchase Highster Mobile you will receive FREE CUSTOMER SUPPORT. Our agents will be available to answer all of your questions and even walk you through the installation process if necessary.

  • Is the location of the phone displayed on a REAL map?

    Yes the location of the phone is displayed in real time on a real map. For the GPS application Google Maps is used which provides unparalleled ease of use and accuracy.

  • How long does installation take?

    Installation can be done in less than 5 minutes.

  • Will the program still work if the person I am monitoring changes their telephone number?

    The program will continue to function regardless if the target telephone number has been changed.

  • Do I have to reinstall the application if the target telephone number is changed?

    You will not have to reinstall the application or make any changes if the target telephone number is changed.

  • Is there a monthly fee?

    There are no monthly fees and no additional charges.

  • How long is the software good for?

    There is no time limit on the software. The software is good for as long as you are using it on a compatible phone or other device.

  • How many devices can I monitor with the software?

    Each purchase comes with one active license key which enables you to monitor one phone. Additional license keys must be purchased separately.

  • Does the phone need internet?

    The target phone does not need to have internet service for the application to function.

  • Where is the information from the target phone sent?

    You can receive information collected by the target phone to any email address you specify or you can have it sent directly to your cell phone or online web account. Either way, you will have instant access to ALL information collected by the application.

  • Can I transfer the software from my PC to my phone via USB?

    Yes, you can transfer the software via USB or internet connection.

  • Do I need to have the target phone telephone number?

    No, you do not need the target telephone number if you are installing the application to the target phone.

  • Are prepaid phones supported?

    Yes, most prepaid phones are supported. For a list of supported phones CLICK HERE

  • How much "lag" time is there with the GPS?

    GPS coordinates are uploaded once every 10 minutes.

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